Sweet Angel Rowan
Rowan, you saw the glow of every sunset
You felt the warmth of every touch
You remained held and protected
When the world could be too much.
You tasted the sweetness of life
Through your mother’s tongue
You explored the earth all wrapped in love
Because you and your mother are One.
Sweet Rowan, you will never know the pains of this world
Only the love, the warmth, & the light
Little Rowan, you will shine on forever
Like a constant constellation in a velvet dark night
Photography is a form of magic- a way to bottle up a moment in time & freeze feelings, a method of time travel, a visual imprint of a memory—- to be revisited over and over again with one simple look. What an honor it is to have captured such a bright time in this beautiful and sweet family’s life.
My heart aches for Caity and Jordan- who are experiencing a pain and a loss no one should ever endure. But I love that they asked friends and family to continue to speak of him, to honor them and his memory by saying his name…
Rowan, sweet little angel, you have touched so many lives. You are so loved.
Meal train: https://www.mealtrain.com/trains/804q91
She is a Force of Nature
Women are epic forces of nature. The more we (as a collective) stop trying to tame them, the more we break down our own cages, and the more we celebrate each other’s wildness, the more cracked open and free we and our world will be. I am forever grateful to the badass and beautiful Marie for pulling me in to her stunning vision for this fiery photoshoot.
Marie, you are absolutely a force of nature.
“Disappearing into the mists of my mind
Burning the useless, leaving ashes behind
Rising with the smoke
Fading with the clouds
Writing spells into existence
By speaking them out loud”
Special shout out to Kayla and Asiya for your expertise and help during this shoot- you ladies were a blast to work with! xo
Milky Mermaid Mama
How lucky am I that one of my all time besties and lifelong soul sister not only is creating me a little niece or nephew, but also happens to be an astonishingly beautiful human inside and out- and the perfect model to help me bring some of my longtime photo-dreams to life!
Serena - thank you so much for decades of friendship and for paving the path to motherhood so gracefully and with such gentle wisdom and purpose. I can’t wait to be aunty to your angel bebe!
Photo from an impromptu bath time photo sesh with flowers from Kelly Day Flowers and lei po’o from Hawai’i Flora Fauna.
Engagement in the Clouds
Days before Kalia and Patrick’s island wedding by the sea, we drove a winding mountain road into the clouds to photograph a few last moments before becoming husband and wife. Surrounded by mist and trees they were able to spend some time soaking in all the warmth of those fluttering pre-wedding butterflies (and of course, practice their epic dance-dip for the big day- I think they nailed it)!
Those Who Take Care of Us
In some Native languages the term for plants translates to “those who take care of us.” - Robin Wall Kimmerer. Photos of Mama Hannah surrounded by mama Nature one day before little Leo love started his journey earth-side.
In some Native languages the term for plants translates to “those who take care of us.” - Robin Wall Kimmerer.
I love this quote so much. Plants truly do take care of us, from medicine to nutrients to oxygen and beyond… maybe that’s why we refer to Nature as a mother sometimes, she is constantly giving, sheltering, nourishing, and loving. Photos of Mama Hannah surrounded by mama Nature one day before little Leo love started his journey earth-side. So glad we got this waterfall jungle maternity photoshoot in before he decided to make his debut!
Hāpai Hannah
Maternity photoshoot on Maui, Hawai’i with Hannah and Len:
With creativity coursing through her veins and hands that paint with the beauty and depth of the ocean, Hannah weaves art into every facet of her life. When I found out that she was pregnant, I knew that she would treat pregnancy and motherhood with the same unique and beautiful artistic energy that she brings to all of her creations. Along with her loving wood working husband, this baby is truly in some of the most capable and creative hands.
…and speaking of hands, you NEED to check out Hannah’s insanely gorgeous rings, especially the stunning moonstone engagement ring she basically sketched into existence spontaneously during a vacation-turned-engagement-trip! See? She truly is a beautiful creator in countless ways! I can’t wait to meet their biggest little creation—-estimate completion date: mid-October (another lovely Libra is about to join our Libra Crew!)
Anniversary Glow
One year down, forever to go. What a fun way to celebrate a year of marriage— getting all dolled up in luxury bridal-wear from Elly’s Formalwear and standing together on the same ground vows were made exactly one year ago. Cheers to many more sweet and thoughtful anniversaries, Greg and Sirena!
One year down, forever to go. What a fun way to celebrate a year of marriage— getting all dolled up in luxury bridal-wear from Elly’s Formalwear and standing together on the same ground vows were made exactly one year ago. Cheers to many more sweet and thoughtful anniversaries, Greg and Sirena!
Not only did Greg do an amazing job (with help from Darren Keala and Elly’s Formalwear) at creating the perfect anniversary celebration for Sirena and himself, he also gave her the most exquisite emerald and diamond ring as a token of his love. Now THAT is how you celebrate one year of marriage!
Sirena’s hands were adorned with all sorts of gorgeous bling (which I am a complete sucker for), but this pear-shaped emerald stone surrounded by tiny diamonds definitely stole the jewelry show.
It’s so magical how people weave into our lives, even just for an hour, and have the power to change our perspectives or paths. We all influence each other, big or small, over the course of a lifetime or simply for a moment. You can show up to a photoshoot, for example, with the simple intention of taking photos you hope the people will love and cherish, and you can leave with a greater understanding of people and places you may not have fully known about before.
After photographing these two at the temple where they were married, Sirena told me that growing up in Thailand she had always dreamed of wearing a beautiful wedding dress and being photographed, and just like that, I was a part of something bigger than I realized. I love that about life, every day and every moment can hold so much more magic and meaning than you expect or imagine.
Love Grows
Even in college, I always knew that Anna was destined to be a mom, we all did. More than that, I knew her kids would be some of the luckiest kids on this earth. Years after those college days full of classes and dreaming and talking of the future and endless possibilities, it was so sweet and special to be able to photograph Anna and her hubby Andy during this exciting time before their baby girl is born and brought earth-side.
I met Anna Comfort (her last name has since changed, however her sincere sweetness, intelligence, and beauty, has stayed just as true and undeniable as ever) at Gonzaga University. We were simply ‘friends-of-friends’ until we shared a triple bedroom while studying abroad in Florence, Italy (a triple bedroom that was probably originally intended to be a single or maybe a double). We got to know each other really well over that whirlwind semester. It was an unforgettable, monumental, epic adventure, but I know the one she is embarking on now is going to be the adventure of her lifetime.
Even in college, I always told her she was destined to be an amazing mom, one of those apple-pie-baking soccer-mom-van-driving insanely-beautiful moms (at least that was always the image in my head). She is one of those people who you just can’t help but love; someone who can restore your faith in humanity and the pure goodness of people. She brings a lightness and joy wherever she goes and cares so deeply and loves so truly. I can remember so many times she spoke about how excited she was to become a mom someday. I knew that her kids would be some of the luckiest kids on this earth, and finally, one of those lucky kids is about to join her earth-side.
Years after those college days full of classes and dreaming and talking of the future and endless possibilities, it was so sweet and special to be able to photograph Anna and her hubby Andy during this exciting time before their baby girl is born.
Boho & Barefoot Renewals in the Woods
An intimate bohemian and barefoot vow renewal celebrated among the trees.
I met Krishna in kindergarten over two decades ago. As is true for all of us, my memory of that time in my life has been blurred by time; a kaleidoscope of broken pieces of memories that I am sure have morphed a few dozen times since those carefree days every time they have resurfaced and rolled over in my mind. I cannot be sure of much from those days on the playground, as those memories feel like fuzzy dreams. What I am sure of, though, is that who Krishna (the artist formerly known as Christian) was to his core has not changed. He has always been kind and creative, passionate and artistic. He has always worn his heart on his sleeve and openly expressed himself. It is always refreshing to be around someone like that.
I reconnected with Krishna recently at my friends’ wedding. He and his gorgeous wife (who I instantly recognized as one of the coolest and most down to earth chicks I’ve ever met) were the videographers. How random is that?! They were hired to film a wedding I was a bridesmaid in about 2,555 miles away from where Krishna and I had once played together and where I still live. Even though so much had changed since those days running barefoot at our Waldorf school, like his name and his new roles as husband and father, I didn’t feel like I was meeting a stranger, just meeting an old friend again in another lifetime.
Krisha, Aly, and their (insanely adorable) mini-Krishna , Phoenix, (they are repping the same man-buns currently) visited Maui and decided to celebrate their fives years of marriage with a vow renewal. It was small, intimate, and filled with so much love. So many facets of our Waldorf past wove together to help them celebrate. Serena and her mom opened up their home, a beautiful farm property up in Olinda, for the celebration. Serena and her boyfriend, Charles, surprised the couple with a handmade driftwood arch to say their vows under, as well as a bohemian styled dining table illuminated by twinkle lights and the moon and stars. Joseph Palmore, our main teacher during our time at Waldorf, officiated the ceremony, and his wife opened with a chant and closed with a ti leaf water ceremony. After the ceremony, a small group of family and friends sat around the outdoor table, laughing, reminiscing, and enjoying a decadent vegan dinner Krishna and Aly made for everyone. Once our bellies were full, we migrated to the fire. With the glow of firelight illuminating the faces around me, I was reminded how precious life is and how pieces of our past can trickle back in to our lives in the most spontaneous and special ways.
Cheers to finding love and having the strength, passion, and perseverance to cultivate it and help it continue to grow through all the phases of life. Krishna, Aly, and Phoenix, thank you for letting me witness your love up close and capture glimpses of your magic!
Maui Grown
Mazel tov, Ari and Jake! You two are going to be such amazing parents, teachers, guardians, nurturers, and role models. Vibrant native and foraged pieces of Maui were woven into wearable art by Lauren for her glowing and pregnant mama-to-be friend, Ari. Mama, baby, and plants were all grown here on Maui.
Yesterday I got to photograph a glowing and pregnant Ari (and Jake’s hands, occasionally. Thanks for letting us use those rugged, farm-dirtied, model-hands for a few! Your hands are naturals.) It is pretty wild to see the woman I met as a girl back at Hebrew school (I dabbled for a minute) and danced alongside in high school (lies, she was way better than me) with a gorgeous baby bump, but honestly it looks so natural on her. When she giggles, her belly giggles, as if her baby is laughing along with her. It is pretty magical. Women are the coolest. They are the life-givers and creators. They are all my heroes.
Speaking of creators, Lauren of Hawai’i Flora Fauna created THE most mana-filled, epically stunning, all-native and foraged lei for Ari, and I’m so obsessed. She wove colorful pieces of Maui into wearable art - bright bursts of Ohia, lush Maile, Iliahi, Olapa, Palapalai, Ama’u, Mao, Ohelo, Pa’iniu, A’ali’i (do I sound super knowledgeable? Cool, because I definitely had to ask her for all the names. I really need to step up my native plant knowledge game).
Another creative lady who offered her talents is Kayla Shepherd. In ten minutes she accentuated Ari’s pregnancy-glow, utilizing her self-taught make-up skills to help this mama-to-be feel as feminine and beautiful as she truly is.
Collaborating with these Seabury Hall alumni ladies was so much fun and so inspiring. Girls, women, everyone—don’t forget that we are all stronger together. Let’s support each other, lift each other up, and help each other grow.
Anyways, mazel tov, Ari and Jake! You two are going to be such amazing parents, teachers, guardians, nurturers, and role models.
Home is Where the Goats, Sheep, Dogs, and Kittens Are…
Simple & sweet lifestyle celebrating our inherit connection to the land and its animals.
Serena + Charles // Home Life Photoshoot
My friend and soul-sister, Serena, has always inherently known how to utilize nature, space, and random odds and ends in just the right way to breathe creativity and beauty into any thing or place.
A poetic soul, an animal-lovers heart, and a gardener’s patience and passion, she has always turned her surroundings into art.
When Serena and her family bought a property in upcountry Maui, Hawai’i, I could not wait to see what she nurtured the property into. I knew that as soon as her gypsy soul started to take root she would start accumulating animals as well. She is a born mother and has always welcomed creatures of all shapes and sizes into her open arms. It has only been about two years, but she has already scattered the property with various forms of furry love; three goats, two sheep, four kittens, and of course her dogs as well.
Alongside her musically-minded, sweet-hearted soulmate, she has been cultivating the land into a home and her new furry residents into family.
Every time I step onto their property, new trees have taken root, new flowers have bloomed, and new fruits and vegetables are ready to be harvested for our dinner. Recently she adopted a baby goat, and she helped me to fulfill my longtime goal of bottle feeding the silly and sweet little kid.
Whenever I arrive, we always stroll through her organized wilderness of a garden to pick the main ingredients for our meal as we chat about life and love. The sheep and goats baa and bleat in the background as her dogs and mine follow us from bed to bed.
We cook in their kitchen-shed using their propane burners near their teeny tiny hand-made house built with recycled windows and doors and flooring found on the free section of craigslist. It is not exactly what you think of when you think of a ‘house,’ but it is most certainly a home.
It is an ever-growing and changing place. It is constantly being molded and nurtured by their passion for living off the land, and love for the beautifully simple and sweet lifestyle and knowledge of ‘less is more.’ Less stuff, more love… a concept we can all benefit from remembering.