Sweet Angel Rowan
Rowan, you saw the glow of every sunset
You felt the warmth of every touch
You remained held and protected
When the world could be too much.
You tasted the sweetness of life
Through your mother’s tongue
You explored the earth all wrapped in love
Because you and your mother are One.
Sweet Rowan, you will never know the pains of this world
Only the love, the warmth, & the light
Little Rowan, you will shine on forever
Like a constant constellation in a velvet dark night
Photography is a form of magic- a way to bottle up a moment in time & freeze feelings, a method of time travel, a visual imprint of a memory—- to be revisited over and over again with one simple look. What an honor it is to have captured such a bright time in this beautiful and sweet family’s life.
My heart aches for Caity and Jordan- who are experiencing a pain and a loss no one should ever endure. But I love that they asked friends and family to continue to speak of him, to honor them and his memory by saying his name…
Rowan, sweet little angel, you have touched so many lives. You are so loved.
Meal train: https://www.mealtrain.com/trains/804q91